Our references
Energie für Schleswig-Holstein
The company Energie für Schleswig-Holstein GmbH was founded in 2016 as a joint venture between Wankendorfer Baugenossenschaft für Schleswig-Holstein eG and GETEC WÄRME & EFFIZIENZ GmbH and is based in Magdeburg. Since then, ESH has already provided comprehensive energy-related services and upgrades where necessary for 450 heat generation plants. More than 8,000 apartments are supplied with heat in a sustainable and cutting-edge fashion.
The customised GETEC energy solution
Efficient design of heat generators, heat grids with the utilisation of various energy sources.
The challenge
These days, many things need to be considered when supplying a property with heat. They range from the space required for the generation or interconnecting systems, to the operating safety and fitness for the future to sustainability and obviously the supply costs.
The goal
A key aspect is the upgrade and maintenance of heat generation plants with the goal of the energy-efficient generation and distribution of thermal energy against the backdrop of climate protection and security of supply. In so doing, ESH examines the technical feasibility of an efficient design of heat generators, heat grids and utilisation of energy sources, depending on the regional circumstances.
Our solution
The use of combined heat and power generation by means of decentralised CHP units plays an important role in this context. The application of this technology is rewarded with a favourable primary energy factor. This means: The construction costs for buildings heated by means of this method decrease because fewer structural measures are required to erect an appropriately energy-efficient building. For instance, fewer insulating materials are needed or other improvement measures can be omitted, such as the use of solar power.
Facts and Figures
Number of supplied residential units
Number of plants
Haltermann Carless Deutschland GmbH
Haltermann Carless Deutschland GmbH is one of the leading European manufacturers of speciality chemicals and hydrocarbon-based solvents. The product portfolio comprises printing ink oils, high purity hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon-based blowing agents, and test and reference fuels.
The customised GETEC energy solution
Modern and efficient energy supply concept for the chemical industry.
The challenge
The existing supply of power to the plant using thermal oil and steam no longer met current demands and efficiency criteria. A new supply concept was to be developed to ensure the future security of supply.
The goal
The vent gas produced on site in the storage tanks should also be utilised as an energy source and thus used efficiently and in an environmentally-friendly fashion instead of being discarded in thermal post-combustion as was previously the case.
Our solution
GETEC developed a highly efficient, sustainable and economical supply concept that supplies the entire production site in Speyer with thermal oil and steam. The GETEC engineers opted to use two thermal oil boilers fired with natural gas and a steam generator indirectly heated with thermal oil. What makes this procedure so special The vent gas that accumulates during the production is thermally utilised in the system.
Facts and Figures
CO2 savings
approx. 2,800 t/a
2 natural gas fired thermal oil boilers
1 indirect steam generator
Thermal oil with a flow temperature of 340°C
Saturated steam with a pressure of 23 bar (above atmospheric) and a temperature of approx. 222°C
Installed capacity
Nominal heat output of the thermal oil boiler: 8,300 kWth each
Steam output of indirect steam generator: 13 t/h
Our services rendered for Haltermann Carless
Energy service contracting
Customised complete solutions - planning, construction, financing, operation
Utilisation of specialty gases
Thermal utilisation of climate-changing special gases - pure environmental protection
Decentralised energy supply
The future is decentralised. For more efficiency, more independence and more flexibility.
Dairy works Mittelelbe, Stendal (Saxony-Anhalt)
The Milchwerke Mittelelbe GmbH dairy plant turns up to 350,000 tonnes of milk per year into premium quality foodstuffs such as baby food, milkshakes and speciality powders using 14 spray tower plants plus other modern production, bottling and packaging facilities.
The customised GETEC energy solution
Modern and efficient energy supply concept for the dairy industry.
The challenge
Additional energy is required for the production systems of the dairy works due to an expansion in the production and the associated increased energy requirements. A new and efficient energy supply concept has to be designed and realised for this purpose.
The goal
Development and expansion of a cutting-edge energy concept.
Our solution
Within the framework of a management contract, initially GETEC constructed a steam generation plant followed by a natural gas-fired engine-based cogeneration system.
Three gas engines (CHP units) simultaneously supply heat for the drying and the various cleaning processes as well as electricity that substitutes the consumption drawn from the grid.
Facts and Figures
CO2 savings
10,500 t/a
Steam generation system
Fuel: Natural gas (H) / Extra-light heating oil (HEL), 30 MW, saturated steam: 16 bar
CHP unit with waste heat recovery boiler
Fuel: Natural gas, 3 x 1,710 kWel, 3 x 1,790 kWth, saturated steam: 16 bar
Heat (steam, hot water), electricity
Our services rendered for Milchwerke Mittelelbe
Energy service contracting
Customised complete solutions - planning, construction, financing, operation
Steam supply
Safe and reliable steam supply
Energy efficiency offensive
Energy efficiency potential is leveraged along the entire value chain of our customers.
EMMTEC services BV at the location emmtec Industry & Businesspark
Covering an area of 115 hectares, the emmtec Industry & Businesspark in Emmen is the largest industrial park in Northern Netherlands. A total of ten production plants from the biochemistry, fibre and polymer industries employ approximately 2,100 people at the site. 27 hectares of expandable surface area also offer a perfect supply of new settlements. Empowering your business. With EMMTEC Services – an enterprise of the GETEC Group.
The customised GETEC energy solution
Tailor-made service and supply concepts: Required media, logistics, laboratory and engineering services
The challenge
As site operator for all local businesses, we operate a collective service concept in a complex network of material and energy flows.
The goal
As infrastructure operator, we strive to offer all services for industrial parks.
Our solution
With its customised services portfolio, EMMTEC services offers local companies ideal conditions. GETEC's redundant production supply units (assets) and infrastructure ensures that the production plants are supplied with the required utilities at all times.
Facts and Figures
115 hectares, fully developed,
140,000 m² of building space,
90,000 m² of storage space,
2,000 m² of laboratory space,
8,400 m² of office space
Plant inventory
2 x 32 MWel combined cycle gas turbine power plant,
2 x 100 t/h of steam (up to 30 bar),
8 MW of refrigeration from absorption refrigeration and compression-type refrigeration machines,
180 m³/h of demineralised water,
120 m³/h of drinking water,
400 m³/h of process water,
81,000 m³/h of compressed air,
Sewage treatment plant for 120,000 PE,
Air separation installation for nitrogen (1,350 Nm³/h),
10 x 300 m³ silo parks
150 km medium voltage network,
11 transfer stations,
154 oil-free transformers,
autonomous electricity system,
4.5 km natural gas network (up to 20 bar)
CO2 savings
The integral consideration as well as operation of the media supply achieves optimal energy efficiency. This enabled our customers to realise savings of 43% of CO2 per ton between 1990 and 2018.
Our services rendered for emmtec Industry & Businesspark
Industrial park operation
We take care of the entire logistics infrastructure - from energy and water supply to plant security and grid infrastructure.
Decentralised energy supply
The future is decentralised. For more efficiency, more independence and more flexibility.
Supply solutions
Simple and reliable supply - with GETEC
We embody partnership –
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