The sustainability of industrial processes is complex. Both the technical and economic feasibility require a lot of knowledge, creativity, and commitment. GETEC is your knowledge and investment partner in this process, where we develop the optimal energy supply for your industrial process. We take the lead, from A to Z, so you can focus on your core business and be ready for the future!


We develop and implement an optimal energy supply for your process. This can be achieved by modernizing existing assets (brownfield) or by developing a new concept (greenfield). Are you facing grid congestion? Generating (additional) power yourself is a viable alternative that is often more feasible and profitable than anticipated.

Whatever transition you wish or need to make, we can (co-)invest in a new asset or take over your assets and ensure operation and maintenance. Together, and with complete transparency, we create a feasible business case for this.

Do you need additional investment power to choose the best and most sustainable option? GETEC offers various possibilities for this.


We operate in an equal partnership, where GETEC takes the lead throughout the entire process. This is done through a transparent and structured DBFMO approach, where we take responsibility for the design, construction, financing, maintenance, and operation of the installations. In addition to investing in newly constructed installations, we also invest in modifications or replacements.

Because we are technology-independent, we can choose the best energy concept for your situation and the transition you want to make.


We have helped several clients in Western Europe transition to a sustainable industrial process. Our experience is as broad as the needs of our customers.

Furthermore, much of our experience comes from our multi-client site, GETEC PARK.EMMEN, where we support about ten companies in the food and plastics industries on their journey towards climate-neutral production and energy supply.

Our services and utilities include:

  • Electricity generation
  • Green steam
  • Hydrogen
  • Digestion/gasification
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)
  • Solutions for grid congestion
Our References


Contact us

René Hartman Head of Industry GETEC Nederland

GETEC Benelux Industry

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